#AsíAndamos! [Editorial del 1er. Vocero de @el_BSULH]

es Tierra de #Paz, #Alegría y #Prosperidad. Bienvenidas la Humanidad a ser parte de la (r)Evolución Cultural e Intelectual que le merecida desde largo tiempo; ya nada podrá impedir este salto vital, existencial de ésta. De ello, depende nuestro destino en el Universo.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

REVOLUTIONARYS HOMOSEXUALS say NO, to U.S. military bases in Colombia

REVOLUTIONARYS HOMOSEXUALS say NO, to U.S. military bases in Colombia


Outraged @ s are, people GLBTT Latin America and the Caribbean, claiming that when we cables, by the will of a foreign power and submission of a government, our homelands, were threatened by the installation of military bases to the war rather than peace. 

Nothing has been justified, until today, the installation of them, however, allegations such as those outlined by the Government of Venezuela to respect, travel the world, each day adding new partners and new evidence that those in the interest of the justice, assume otherwise. 

The reasons we believe, have already been outlined above, military experts and political activists left. We just want to add: those military bases posed an urgent need for the rule of keeping alive Capitalism and all its political-economic burden ideological enslaving our people in the cultural, political, social, intellectual, legal, economic, and our contribution, SEXUALLY, too. Let's see. 

The prominence of Capitalism suggests the maintenance of bourgeois pattern of life in all areas, on the majority, on the people. This we know. Obviously, the rule has no alternative but to submit to the world by force (thus denying the existence of the human species) to maintain the bourgeois pattern of domination over our thoughts, words and actions, therefore, on our bodies. When it is called 'liberation', we refer to this point, the release of our bodies that is running the "logic of sense imperatives of instrumental reason" capital. 

The Venezuelan Collective GLBTT realize it when that logic imposes socially, a "relentless" way of living and expressing sexuality, thus denying the valid sexual practices that do not respond to that necessary for the reproduction of the species and the enslavement of them. We alerts from the United Socialist Block, gay liberation, political and ideological vanguard of this sector of the population and we mobilized to build alliances for our legitimate right to be and exist. What is and there need not be justified and are no exception. Is that being and existence, understand, live in freedom and mental and emotional health is in the welfare of our bodies. Unlike of course, of course, the logic of sense imperatives of instrumental reason that the bourgeoisie sets and implies that homosexuality and all other forms of sexual expression other than "good views" are unswerving negation heterosexuality. SAY NO TO SOCIALISM, SEXUALITY IS RELEASED AND USED AS A CATALYST FOR THE POTENTIAL OF BEING, IS A RESEARCH AND MEANS FOR GENERATION OF PLEASURES And also in social, heterosexuality, IS FREED OF REPRODUCTION human species as inexorable logic of capitalism. 

GLBTT's groups in Latin America and the Caribbean, these military facilities, while, they will not seek peace but war unnecessary for control of the minds, emotions and sexuality: on our bodies, ie of every inhabitant on the ground, first, and second, a war to retain its status consumerism at the expense of natural resources and the lives of thousands and thousands of men and women. 

That is why we join the global movement and the militarization ANTI-BASES proposed in the world. And from the birthplace of the Liberator of America, from the great country of Simón Bolívar, L@S GAY (...) Venezuelans, CALL THE INTERNATIONAL gay liberation movement, to take action against this outrage against the dignity of our people and sovereignty of our bodies, and constitute a contradiction in a world he wants, craves and needs peace. 

Between homosexuality and revolution, there is no contradiction. 




2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hola chicos:

Me alegra que haya un grupo valiente como Uds. que estén impulsando las reivindicaciones de la colectividad gay en Venezuela. Respecto a sus comunicados en inglés, me parece una gran iniciativa que hay que fortalecer, pues es importante que hagamos sentir nuestra voz en otras comunidades; sin embargo, quisiera sugerirles hacer un mayor esfuerzo en las traducciones, pues en algunos casos se traslada literalmente el sentido del español al inglés, lo que da como resultado frases completamente incomprensibles en el otro idioma. De todos modos, los felicito por esta idea y los exhorto a que sigan por ese camino que, sin duda, está dando buenos frutos.

Saudos a todos,

Roberto V.

Unknown dijo...

En efecto, esa traducción quedó pésima y, al respecto, se han sumado a nuestras filas excelentes cuadros conocedores de idiomas que con seguridad, sabrán cuidar los detalles. Tú sugerencia, no ha pasado desapercibida, no obstante, esperamos contar con tú colaboración en caso de ser necesario.